Some ramblings about machine learning and econometrics

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hex in Netezza

I needed to convert Hex strings to integers in Netezza. Here is how I did it:

Put a file called at /nz/export/ae/applications/system/admin/

with contents:

import nzae
class Hex2DecUdfAe(nzae.Ae):
    def _getFunctionResult(self, row):
        hexString, base = row
        return int(hexString, base)

then register it with

[nz@dw01 ~/scripts]/nz/export/ae/utilities/bin/register_ae --language python --version 1 --template udf --exe --sig "hex2dec(varchar(255), int4)" --return int4

Call it like this:

select system..hex2dec('101', 2), system..hex2dec('A1', 16);

Base conversion in Netezza

In Netezza, I need to convert strings in binary or in hex to base 10. Here is how i did it:

Put a file called at /nz/export/ae/applications/system/admin/

with contents:

import nzae
class Hex2DecUdfAe(nzae.Ae):
    def _getFunctionResult(self, row):
        hexString, base = row
        return int(hexString, base)

then register it with

[nz@dw01 ~/scripts]/nz/export/ae/utilities/bin/register_ae --language python --version 1 --template udf --exe --sig "hex2dec(varchar(255), int4)" --return int4

Call it like this:

select system..hex2dec('101', 2)